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It all started as posting updates for friends and family during my husband’s battle with leukemia. While that was a true “smelting” time for our family, the real journey has been all that has come since. I invite you to follow along as I document navigating grief, widowhood, maintaining faith, and finding joy in living despite the challenges.

  • Peeling Back Those Onion Layers
    It’s interesting how much we miss when only viewing a person from the outside. Oh, there are a lot of things we can observe. Does a person’s smile reach their eyes? Is their voice animated or despondent? What about the tells of body language when they…
  • Busy But Hopefully Not Too
    I know, isn’t that wind-swept hair AMAZING? So what have I been up to for the past three months? (We’re going to pretend that you are dying of interest instead of your more likely state of total indifference as you’ve probably forgotten I and this blog…
  • Breaking the Bonds of Death
    Spring is coming, guys! Yes, I know that in Utah we play our annual teasing back and forth game between real spring and winter not quite loosening its hold over our weather, but it does such wonders for my soul when we finally emerge from those…

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