So Many Blessings

So far my updates have focused on what's happening with Kendall at the hospital, but I wanted to take a minute to acknowledge some of the MANY blessings and miracles we have seen throughout this experience. I won't get to them all, but here are a few: -My mom has cancer and has been in poor health for the past several months. About a week before all…

Still Waiting on a Treatment Plan

This was a fairly low-key day at the hospital. Kendall did get his lumbar puncture today (it didn't end up happening yesterday because they wanted to have him start on an anticoagulant medication first). It ended up being a longer and slightly more complicated procedure than they had predicted, but Kendall got through it. His cancer team said that he will probably have several more in the…

Latest Update

Sorry, I've meant to post updates on here more regularly. Today Kendall had a lumbar spinal tap scheduled, which will look at if the cancer has spread to his spinal fluid and into his Central Nervous System. As a precaution, they are injecting chemo directly into his spinal fluid. We were told that type of chemo shouldn't have really bad side effects like nausea, etc. We're still…

9/7/20 Update

I will try to keep this page updated regularly. At this point we are waiting for a lot of pathology reports to come back (I've been told they are expediting them, so hopefully we'll hear more today). We're especially anxious to get the results of his bone marrow biopsy. While his PET scan showed that he definitely has cancer in his bone marrow (and at least one…

Sending Things to Kendall

Now that Kendall is at Huntsman and not moving rooms anymore, he is able to receive gifts sent directly to him (i.e. cards, balloons, flowers, etc.). You can drop something off directly to the lobby of the hospital, or through mail: Huntsman Cancer Hospital Kendall Sawyer Room # 4XXX 2000 Cir of Hope Dr. #1950 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 It's been pretty rough not being able…