Staying Busy But Mostly Still Waiting

Didn't I tell you that Kendall is starting to grow some facial hair now that he's off those neurotoxic chemo drugs? The funny thing is, he wasn't really able to grow a good mustache before all of this cancer business.... His eyebrows and eyelashes have also grown back, which we're taking as a healthy sign. Kendall's walking is better and he is able to mostly get around…

So Much News to Cover

I am woefully behind on posting on here, so bear with me as I try to bring everyone up to speed. First off, aren't those paper cranes beautiful? Our son's fifth grade class (or at least the class he attended before he had to switch to eSchool) has been making 1,000 paper cranes since September, and Darren's teacher delivered them to us last week. I can only…


Monday was physically a very tiring day. After getting up at 4:20 in the morning so we could get to Kendall's very early cervical MRI, we ended up being gone at the hospital for 15 hours. Long hospital days are hard, not just for Kendall and me but for our kids. Having Grandma Jeanne home with the kids (and our other Grandma stopping by to help with…

Donor Update and a Cooking Contest

We did get the results of the donor matching tests for Kendall's siblings. We were told that there is a 1:4 chance that a full-blood sibling will be a match. Kendall had five siblings who were tested. None of them were complete matches, but three of his siblings were half matches (5/10 markers matching). They then went to the Universal Donor Bank, where they said Kendall had…

Rolling with the Punches

And for your next installment of "Everything with Kendall changes day to day, sometimes hour by hour, from what we were expecting," Kendall was NOT admitted to the hospital yesterday. He had a long day at the hospital (well, actually two hospitals) getting yet another a COVID test (negative), a pulmonary function test (lung capacity within normal levels), labs (hemoglobin low so will be getting another blood…

Carrying On

This door is in my master bedroom, and every time I walk in or when I wake up in the morning, I immediately see it covered with the many cards I've received in just over three months. (Has it really only been a bit over three months?!?! And if you don't see yours there, Kendall has many of the ones he has received, and I have a…