Bring It On

Thinking it has been too long since there was new drama in the Sawyer household? Have you been missing that weekly, even sometimes daily, dose of crises and mayhem? Never fear! I have you covered and continue to be your one-stop shop for rubberneck viewing of the unbelievable craziness that has become my life! (I promise, I did used to be rather boring in another life...) I…

Two Months

When Kendall and I were first married we would anticipate and celebrate each month anniversary (with a big splurge for our poor struggling college students' budget of a Little Caesar's pizza, or sometimes even the extravagance of toasting with a bottle of Martinelli's sparkling cider). We would talk about how long we thought it would be before we stopped measuring our marriage in months, stopped acknowledging the…

Mother’s Day Weekend

This has been a difficult weekend, probably the hardest for me since the actual day Kendall passed. It has already been pretty emotional, and I'm feeling a bit wrung out even though it is only Saturday evening. I've been told that my family has an excessive amount of traditions, and that might very well be true. Maybe I have gone overboard sometimes and made things more complicated…

Are You Bracing Yourself?

I've wondered, do people now just brace themselves when they see I've posted a new update, wondering what possible next thing could be going wrong for the Sawyer family? Or is it more a morbid curiosity like watching a real live soap opera unfolding, each installment hooking you for more? I know, we've been pretty sensational here for the past good while. I honestly wonder how my…

My Life is a Comedy

Or a tragedy? Definitely laughable, because if I don't choose to laugh I will just cry (although I have done some of that too the past few days....). Sometime between 1:00 and 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, my sewage line backed up and flooded my basement. Yes, all of it, including my therapy clinic that is down there. I've had 48 hours now to take stock of things,…