Self Compassion Three Months Out

Yep, today marks three months. I adore this shirt. (In case you can't tell from the picture, it says, "Today's Forecast: Cloudy with a Chance of Widow Brain.") I made the decision to just accept and maybe even embrace this new (and hopefully temporary?) normal of an often muddled brain. Laughing at myself and all my uncharacteristic-for-typical-pre-leukemia-and-then-widowhood-me mistakes feels a whole lot better than self pity or…

Life Continues On

This was an eventful week for our family. My oldest turned 16 and my youngest was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In our church children can choose to be baptized once they turn eight years old. She actually turned eight the beginning of February shortly after Kendall's bone marrow transplant, but she felt very strongly about waiting for her dad…

Excuse Me While I Whine a Bit

Let me be perfectly clear here, I did NOT mean it literally when I joked about "bring it on." This has been a week, guys, and one that has pushed me about to my limit. I'm just incredibly tired. Tired of the constant setbacks yes, but also tired physically, emotionally, mentally, in every way. We started the week with taking the kids on Sunday to visit Kendall's…