For Kendall

I recently learned that my stake (a group of local church congregations) will be holding a blood drive on August 27th. You may remember (or perhaps not) that August 27th is Kendall's birthday, as well as the day we began our cancer journey last year. My feelings about blood have certainly changed after our experiences of the past year. So much of our days were spent monitoring…

The Welcoming Prayer

The truth is, despite what people may think or tell me, I'm not particularly strong. I'm simply a very ordinary human, with very real human emotions and struggles. But what I am is consistently strengthened. No question about that. And I know I am trying, and consciously choosing each day to exercise faith, to trust, and to express gratitude despite the hard. And there is a beautiful…

I Did It

I did it, I did it, I. DID. IT. Experienced it, remembered it, faced it, got through it. And IT WAS OK. I'm really so very proud of myself. Exactly what, you may be asking, amazing and momentous accomplishment did I actually do? I went back and read through all of my Meal Train posts. My first time doing so. Writing these posts for Meal Train has…

Personal Miracles from Unusual Sources

I've been pondering the concept of miracles, and how often they occur in our lives. If only we'll keep our eyes open to seeing them. It's not the miracles that stop, but so often our sight is blinded (by grief? pain? depression? busy-ness?) that we fail to acknowledge them. I was recalling some of the small, but miraculous, tender mercies that occurred during the past year for…

Radio Silence and Reconnecting

It's been awhile since I have posted on here. Grief has been ugly and messy and unpredictable and still so very very painful, to a level that's difficult to articulate. I know it's uncomfortable being faced with someone's profound grief or pain, particularly for anyone who has experienced their own deep loss. And let's be honest, it's just plain awkward, because there really isn't any "right" thing…