Happy Halloween, Y’all!

Can I just say that it is a little bit creepy to be designing my own headstone, especially the week of Halloween? So weird. And since it is mine as well as Kendall's marker, I'm really over-thinking every part of this, wanting it to be "just right." Personal but not cheesy, representative of both of us, not anything that feels trendy or won't wear well.... decisions, decisions.…

My Pavilion

What a blessing to have been studying Doctrine and Covenants 121 this past week. Yes, I love the Lord's comforting words to Joseph Smith of "peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment." I know that this incredibly difficult year of "smelting" will indeed pass, and all things considered will be but a small moment in my story. Despite…

I Get Knocked Down

Thanks, Chumbawamba. (I tell you, some of the names of these 90's bands...!) And one simply cannot think about that song without mentally finishing the phrase, of course. BUT I GET UP AGAIN. That's what we do, right? Get knocked down and then get up again? And again, and again, and again.... It's probably good that I waited until today to write this update, because yesterday I…

Go Spartans!

I recently came across my high school senior yearbook. I don't think I have looked at it or any other high school memorabilia for at least ten years. What a fun trip down memory lane, seeing faces or reading messages from so many people I have fond memories of but hadn't thought of for a long time. And check out what babies we were back then! High…