Not Yet Ready to Call “Uncle,” But Honestly!

So I'm trying to decide if it is a form of denial or merely attempting to have a good attitude, that when my daughter calls to tell me that the basement is flooding one of my first thoughts is, "Well, at least it wasn't raw sewage this time!" Am I becoming jaded here? (No, no, we'll just call me seasoned and experienced, better understanding how much worse…


I am willing to admit that being patient has never been a strength of mine. Even so, in looking back I can see how much progress I have made with this particular virtue over the past two years. (OK, there may be some people reading this who are now laughing at that, because I'm far from perfect with this, but I HAVE gotten better!) The concept of…

Missing My Person

This has been a tough grief day for me, and I can't even pinpoint any specific reasons for it. Sometimes that's just how it is, that those waves seem to come with no apparent warning. I've been feeling it acutely, not having my person to talk through and process my day with, purge things weighing on me, share things I'm anticipating or am excited about, discuss things…

Continuing to Bulk Up Our “Gratitude Muscles”

I've talked a lot on here about mindfully looking for the blessings and miracles there have been amid the trials. That has been such an important part of my, and my family's, journey over the past two years. Within that framework, however, the following passage from Megan Devine's book, "It's OK That You're Not OK" really gave me food for thought. She says, "Being brave - being…

My Thoughts on Dating

Whoa, did that post title make you do a double-take? (I can pretty much guarantee it did for my father - sorry, Dad!) Is Suzanne really talking about DATING, so soon after hitting her one-year mark? Oh yes, my friends, I am. The whole subject of dating, or not dating, is so variable and individual for people who are widowed. And not surprisingly, it can get talked…


I realized that in the past year and a half I have never directly written a post addressing sleep, or rather the struggles with it, that can often accompany experiences of great stress or trauma. Insomnia is a VERY common symptom with widowhood, likely is with any sort of great loss. And while I am not an expert on sleep and sleep hygiene or handling sleep disorders,…

I Really AM Happy

What an amazing and miraculous life I have been privileged to live, am living. I mean that sincerely. I do. For so many reasons, not least of which the several instances recently when it has been undeniably evident how the Lord was guiding things in my life, timing or circumstances that really were miracles. I was discussing that very concept with my children tonight during our scripture…

General Conference!!

I meant to get something written about General Conference before now and it simply didn't happen yesterday. I love love LOVE General Conference weekend, which happens every April and October, and is a time when our church leaders are able to share messages with the world about the Savior and other gospel topics. They are WONDERFUL, and each time I come away feeling strengthened and finding answers…