I Think the Honeymoon May Be Over

OK, honeymoon probably isn't the right word, since this past year would have been considered a pretty terrible one. (Nothing like my experience back in 2001, that's for sure.) This picture is of Kenny and me about three weeks after we were married, in the process of moving all our earthly possessions down to our apartment in Provo where we would be attending school. It was at…


Who are the people who have been the most influential in your life? Obviously meeting Kenny in high school ended up really changing the course of my life (aren't high-school-us so cute?). But there are so many people I have crossed paths with over the past 40 years who have helped shape who I have become as a person, how my life has played out thus far.…

Unmet Expectations

I'm finding that there's a fine line between accepting that I have very little control over things while recognizing that circumstances will likely NEVER turn out exactly how I would have planned, vs. constantly defaulting to expecting, and bracing for, the worst. I am mindful that that doomsday, always on guard feeling is a trauma response. I know that ultimately I get to choose what I focus…

Self Check-In

I have always appreciated the concept of a fresh start. I tend to look for excuses to set or recommit to personal goals, but especially at natural transition times of the year like when school starts, the beginning of a new calendar year, or even a birthday or anniversary. I also like to be intentionally introspective when anything is ending, to consider how I may have grown,…


The relationship and bond that Kenny and I had with one another was very close, and I know that we had a good marriage. Sure, like with any relationship things weren't perfect and we went through difficult times, but we did make our way through them together and were ultimately closer because of them. So I wasn't expecting the feelings of regret, and yes, sometimes even anger,…

My Kintsugi Life

This Kintsugi bowl was a gift last year from a very thoughtful friend, and it currently sits on a shelf in my bedroom where I can see it every day. Are you familiar with the Japanese concept of Kintsugi? It is an art form that takes broken pottery pieces and welds them back together with gold, thus resulting in a finished product that is more beautiful, valuable,…

New Experiences with Now Familiar Feelings

I attended my first Widow/Widower conference last Friday and Saturday (I was unable to attend on the first day, Thursday, but definitely plan to go for the whole thing next time). With this also being Mother's Day weekend, I have gone through such a gambit of emotions the past few days. I loved meeting new people and making new friends, being around others who "get it" in…

National Widow’s Day

Today is National Widow's Day (not to be confused with International Widow's Day, which is June 23). Even though our family has at times been all about celebrating unusual and lesser-known holidays, I can't say I'm particularly loving being qualified to celebrate this one. I saw someone post this today, and while I wanted to share it I need to first preface this by saying that I…

Tithing Blessings

Ready for your next installment of the sensational and increasingly unbelievable serial novel that is my life? Because yes, I did have TWO MORE FLOODS today, both most assuredly involving sewage (ick, ick, ICK!), and forcing me to cancel most of my therapy sessions for the day. The good news is that we were FINALLY able to identify and fix (at least for now, since it could…