Suzanne, the Social Zombie

Suzanne, the Social Zombie

We all have an innate need to feel like we belong. For someone who does a decent job with meeting and speaking to new people, would it surprise you how often I don't feel like I fully belong? That I don't know where or how I fit? Set apart because I'm a widow, or younger (or perhaps older) than everyone around me, or because I'm a single…
The Bestest of Besties

The Bestest of Besties

I am going to try not to get too overly sappy or sentimental here. (Emphasis on the word try, because may not succeed.) I also don't want to embarrass someone by writing this post. (Sorry, Liz, but surely you were expecting that something like this was coming?) The truth is that I am a hurting puddle of emotions right now. I've been a bit shocked at the…
The Worst Club with the Best People

The Worst Club with the Best People

I just got back from attending an LDS Widow/Widower Conference in St. George. It's difficult to express how important that community has become for me. I still do not have a lot of single friends (at least compared to the number of married friends I have), although I have started attending some single adult activities. But at least thus far the place I feel the most comfortable…
Excited for 2023

Excited for 2023

I really love the start of a new year. Sure, there is some relief associated with leaving behind the busyness or pressures of the holidays, or now the grief surrounding them. But I have always enjoyed taking advantage of this time to reflect on what happened the previous year and taking stock of where I'm at, setting and working on goals, determining or reprioritizing what I feel…