Are We Really Supposed to Be Grateful in ALL Circumstances?

Are We Really Supposed to Be Grateful in ALL Circumstances?

You'll notice that I did say grateful in all circumstances, not necessarily grateful for all circumstances. That's an important distinction to make. It would be disingenuous of me to say that I was grateful for my husband dying so young, for Mom's death, was grateful for my child's serious medical conditions, or my own physical limitations. No one would believe that, including myself. (I mean, there does…
Appreciating the Past, Not Pining for It

Appreciating the Past, Not Pining for It

It didn't take Kenny dying for me to realize that we were a good team, and I never once doubted that he loved me and our family. Even so, I do have a greater appreciation now for how very involved and supportive Kenny was at home for me and our family, just how much he did for us/me. I feel it every day what a poor substitute…
Just the Right Medicine

Just the Right Medicine

It's been a minute. In reality only two weeks since my last post, but for some reason it feels like it's been much longer. Going through periods of intense emotions or experiences can do that. I did actually start three separate blog posts during those two weeks, but none of them went anywhere. I've been writing, yes, but mostly frivolous stuff and it hasn't felt like I've…
That’s the Reality, So I’d Rather Laugh Than Whine About It

That’s the Reality, So I’d Rather Laugh Than Whine About It

I mentioned this in passing to a friend last night and, judging by her reaction, I'm realizing that it may not be such a normal thing that I get something in the mail nearly every day related to medical bills? Granted, not every single one is a bill needing to be paid, may be an Explanation of Benefits notice or some such, but it is rare now…
Rinse and Repeat

Rinse and Repeat

I have got to get some new material here! Really, Suzanne, the whole "Here we are in the ER again" bit is getting more than old. You must be starting to think that we do this for fun! ("Things are feeling kinda dull today, and we've gone whole weeks now without seeing our friends in the ER. Maybe we should pop down and say hi!") Or maybe…
Redefining My Priorities

Redefining My Priorities

I have literally started four different blog posts within the last 48 hours. I kept thinking of new things I wanted to write about as I listened to different talks during General Conference. (Because woohoo, it was once again General Conference weekend! Yes, we've been smack in the middle of another round of the Conference store, special Conference snacks, the traditional "Conference meal" hosted at Dad's house,…