This IS Plan A

This IS Plan A

Have you ever had a week where you feel like you've lived an entire lifetime because so much has happened and changed and just...everything? That's how I feel after this week. So many new experiences and feelings and realizations, it's well, wow. How was that for cryptic? Amongst other things I had the opportunity to attend the LDS Widow/Widower Conference in Cache Valley last week. I've been…
Digging Deep

Digging Deep

Bet you assumed any post I wrote today was going to be about Father's Day, dincha? Oh, I'll probably have a few thoughts to share on that by the time I make it to the end of this post, but I've had some other things on my mind this past week. I've had quite a few stark reminders lately that there really are so many things outside…
Happy Birthday, Mom

Happy Birthday, Mom

We celebrated A's 18th birthday yesterday, which was nice if not a bit low-key with my full day of doing new clinician training and then two siblings away at camp. We'll be spreading that celebrating out over this week and next. Birthdays are always somewhat bittersweet now without Kendall there to mark and celebrate them, and 18 is a big milestone birthday (can I really have an…
Oh Good Grief!

Oh Good Grief!

I love these shoes, guys. Not only are they super cute, but they're comfortable (a rarity with heels!), great for dancing, and they match most anything. And.....I may never be able to wear them in public again. At least not with a straight face. I attended a single adult fireside yesterday with some widow/widower friends. We were a fairly large group, so in order to all sit…