That Education Week High

That Education Week High

BYU's Education Week 2023 is in the books! What an amazing experience getting to participate this year as both an attendee (so nice having that all-access parking pass so I could easily come and go) and as a presenter. I especially loved getting to meet and connect with people afterward, to hear their stories and have them share how my words (really the Spirit) had impacted them.…
Save the Date(s)!

Save the Date(s)!

It's gettin' real now, folks! There are a few dates I have been meaning to put out there for people, except, well, life and all (I may have been a bit preoccupied with other matters lately....). The first is BYU's Education Week is nearly upon us. !!! I have had a few people ask me for details about that, so in case anyone is interested the times…