I Already Wrote It…Might As Well Use It!

I Already Wrote It…Might As Well Use It!

Remember when I said that I had started several posts during my two months o' blog silence here, but nothing ever got finished? I was reading back over some of what I'd written, and is it funny that in light of everything that happened afterward I had already forgotten just how stressful things were leading up to the wedding? Really, it about pushed me over the edge…
My Life is a Fairy Tale…Or Should I Say Soap Opera?

My Life is a Fairy Tale…Or Should I Say Soap Opera?

Oh I have missed you, my dear blog! Hard to believe that I let two whole months go by without writing! September was the first month since starting Meal Train that I didn't post, and now here we are fast-forwarded into November. As more and more time has passed it has felt overwhelming to even try to get caught up on everything, and despite starting multiple posts…