9/7/20 Update

I will try to keep this page updated regularly. At this point we are waiting for a lot of pathology reports to come back (I’ve been told they are expediting them, so hopefully we’ll hear more today). We’re especially anxious to get the results of his bone marrow biopsy. While his PET scan showed that he definitely has cancer in his bone marrow (and at least one lymph node), we don’t yet know if it is throughout all of his blood.

The plan is to start chemo this week, after which they expect Kendall to stay in the hospital for at least a month. This is apparently a particularly nasty kind of chemo, so he has also had a lot of tests done for his heart to make sure his heart is strong enough to withstand the chemotherapy. We don’t know yet how many rounds of chemo he will need to do. It’s still unknown if he will need a bone marrow transplant (we’re hoping not).

Kendall is healing well from his surgery. He’s working with OT and PT and it looks like his incision is healing well. He had a fever Saturday night, but he was able to fight that off and it doesn’t look like there is any sign of infection. They have weaned him off of pain meds in preparation for the chemo, and he is being a real trooper handling the pain and still working on trying to walk and do his PT exercises.


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