I’m Amazing

Does that seem like a funny thing to say about myself? Especially when I didn’t mean it sarcastically, I do actually believe it.

Last Saturday I was out with a friend, and in our conversation I casually said, “I mean, ’cause I’m amazing.” She stopped, looked at me, and asked, “You can just say that about yourself, with no hesitation?” I hadn’t even thought about it beforehand, it just popped out. But I mean(t) it. Truthfully, I think it first started when I was reading back through those journal entries and letters and was able to recognize from my perspective now what a pretty great person I was, trying so hard to do what was right and strengthen my testimony and help the people around me. And then to acknowledge that I’m still fundamentally that person! So I’ve been telling myself that, that “I’m amazing!” In front of my mirror, in my head, and I even have a bit going back and forth with my teenagers saying things like, “I mean, ’cause I AM so amazing, you know.” Then their answer of “I know you are!” followed by back to them a “And you know YOU’RE amazing!”

Here’s the really great thing though: I’M BELIEVING IT! That thought or those words come so easily now. I know I’m a great person! A flawed one, sure. I make plenty of mistakes, have so many ways I want to be better. I’ve always been driven to improve, but often in the past that has led to impatience with myself when I didn’t measure up to the incredibly high self-imposed standards I set. But I feel comfortable (maybe for the first time in my entire life?) with myself, with where I’m at and where I’m headed, and I know that I’m trying my best and learning and growing and progressing. I know my Heavenly Father loves me, unconditionally, and sees my eternal potential. I think I’ve been getting glimpses of that myself, as well as for people around me.

So try it! Look yourself in the eye and say, with confidence, “I’m amazing!” ‘Cause you are! Truly. And watch, you may just find that you begin to believe it, too.

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