
Who are the people who have been the most influential in your life? Obviously meeting Kenny in high school ended up really changing the course of my life (aren’t high-school-us so cute?). But there are so many people I have crossed paths with over the past 40 years who have helped shape who I have become as a person, how my life has played out thus far. It’s amazing how seemingly chance meetings can sometimes end up being so impactful, truly life changing.

I want to make an impact, leave my mark, help the world to be a better place than I found it. I just have this burning desire to DO, to be better, to connect with the people around me on a one-on-one but meaningful basis. I know that that should start at home with my children, but guys, I so want to do MORE. To be more. To help more. Isn’t it cool how the Lord can use each one of us, with our unique talents and life experiences, to make a positive difference for the people around us?

I’ve been thinking a lot about Kendall’s life lately. He really was content to spend most of his time (when he wasn’t at work) at home with his family. No question that he had a HUGE impact on our lives. But I honestly think that his life may have had a broader reach of influence because of his illness and death. I have no idea how many thousands of people will be impacted because of his experiences, helped because of the things they learned about him through the research that was done, or even those who may have been (or who may yet be) touched by his story. Certainly he left his mark, and I for one am better for having known him.

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