The Visit

Today was nothing short of miraculous. I know there were a lot of people praying for, fasting, and thinking about us today. Thank you.

Kendall was the most awake, alert, and responsive today that I have seen for more than three weeks. He was able to sit up in a chair for the kids’ visits (they came in one at a time), and he waved at them, answered their questions with nods and head shakes, and was able to make eye contact with them. It was beautiful. The nurses were also wonderful. While the kids were waiting in the HICU family conference room with my parents (whom they had allowed to accompany them upstairs), they brought everyone snacks (and soda!) and there were coloring books, puzzles, and games. After the visits they even allowed my dad to go in to Kendall’s room to give him a priesthood blessing.

Today was frankly baffling to the doctors. Yesterday they were telling me that Kendall was too sick to recover and there wasn’t anything else they could really do for him, and today Kendall was able to spell things out for me on a communication board, and he was aware and alert for the entire day. His bleeding also stopped, and they have no idea why. When I spoke with the attending physician, he said that he couldn’t even guess what tomorrow will look like, and that we’ll all “wait and watch.”

So was today a definite turning a corner moment for Kendall, or was it merely an incredible tender mercy from our Heavenly Father allowing the children to all have such positive interactions with their dad before…..something harder? I have no idea. I do know that no matter what, today was a gift.

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