
Kendall engrafted this morning. Best. Valentine’s Day. Gift. EVER. I haven’t talked much about what Kendall’s odds were that the transplant would be successful, but there weren’t very high at all. This really is a miracle, and I credit everyone’s prayers and fasting for making this possible.

We also learned today that Kendall does NOT have VOD/SOS. Again, there are a lot of things that don’t make it on to Meal Train. While yes, mild VOD/SOS can be treatable, severe VOD/SOS is up to 90% fatal. So this was a huge relief.

Kendall isn’t out of the woods yet. He is still battling pneumonia and CMV, and the medicine they’re giving him for the CMV may cause significant kidney damage. Then there is graft vs. host disease to monitor and manage, and a host of other things that could be critical during these first 100 days post-transplant. But today we’ll celebrate and thank Heavenly Father for this miracle. Love to you all.

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