A Turn For the Better

I know there are many people anxious to hear how things have gone today with Kendall. He has thankfully taken a turn for the better. His fever has (finally!) broken, and tonight he was able to actually eat some solid food (bless you, spicy chicken sandwich and chocolate frosty from Wendy’s!!). He’s not out of the woods yet and still has several symptoms the doctors are monitoring carefully and trying to stay on top of, but it looks like the chemotherapy was able to help stop the fevers as hoped.

One funny story from today. The hospital had yet another power outage. In the hours afterward Kendall noticed that his room was getting steadily colder (was he just having chills from a fever? cold because the fever had actually broken?). Turns out that somehow in the power outage the heat in his room no longer worked! That’s certainly not ideal, so they had to move him to a completely different room. Not a simple task with all of the equipment he is hooked up to. Kendall’s new room is referred to as “the corner suite,” and is quite a bit bigger than his previous room and has a much nicer view. Too bad it is a complete cell phone dead spot! We’ll be getting creative to stay in touch now for the next little while.

Thank you for all of the prayers and kind words. The last two days have been incredibly emotionally exhausting. Now I’m ready for some sleep.

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