Well That’s Not Great

Kendall had his PET scan yesterday, and the initial results showed a large mass in his lungs, new activity on his spine, as well as new activity in his thigh. Not what we were hoping for, of course. About two hours after Kendall got home from doing the PET scan we got a call from his doctor saying that they would need to admit him as soon as possible to figure out what was going on. PET scans light up for any abnormal activity, which could mean infection or disease like cancer. I was able to go up with him last night to get admitted to the hospital, where he had an MRI done soon after. Right now he is waiting for a biopsy of his lung, which means he’s had to be fasting all day. I will be allowed to go back and visit him tonight.

We probably won’t have many answers for another few days as we wait for results of the biopsy, but we do know that they aren’t supposed to do chemotherapy if Kendall has an active infection. So now we wait and see. In the meantime, we feel like old pros with the whole hospital experience. We have laminated family pictures that we had up within mere minutes of our arriving in his room. The nurses may not have all remembered us (it’s hard to tell what people look like with masks), but they did remember our yellow door!

UPDATE (5:15 p.m.): Lung biopsy is done, but they still are making Kendall wait two hours to eat because of follow-up X-ray he’s having. Poor, hungry guy! (Also, leaving now to go up there…)

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