The Next Steps

Kendall has now finished his first full round of chemo and will get a “break” for two weeks (last week was technically the first one). Of course, that break this week looks like *only* labs, a lumbar spinal tap with chemo infusion, chemo pill, PET scan, bone marrow biopsy, meeting with the neurosurgery team and getting back X-rays and possible back brace adjustment, as well as other meetings with members of his oncology team, other hospital workers and specialists, and possibly meeting with the bone marrow transplant team, all up in Salt Lake. Yay for a “light” week!

We learned last Friday that Kendall will need to be hospitalized for his next round of chemo. This will include a different, particularly toxic chemo that they hope will target the chromosome mutation. He will need to receive it every 12 hours, for two hours each time, and be monitored constantly to combat any adverse effects it has on his body. This drug has sometimes been fatal when administered to patients, but the doctors are optimistic that Kendall should be able to handle it based on how he’s done with the other chemo treatments thus far.

After this next chemo round Kendall will probably do 3 weeks of radiation, for an hour each day, up in Salt Lake. We’re hopeful that he will be able to do those treatments outpatient. After that we should know more details about a possible bone marrow transplant.

So that’s the latest. We’re grateful to have a bit of notice this time before the hospitalization, and that I may be able to visit Kendall during his stay. Kendall is very sick and weak, but we’re trying to take things day by day. Thank you again for those who continue to reach out to us. It’s difficult needing to be physically distanced from others because of COVID, but we do feel the many prayers that we know are constantly offered in our behalf.

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