Still Waiting on a Treatment Plan

This was a fairly low-key day at the hospital. Kendall did get his lumbar puncture today (it didn’t end up happening yesterday because they wanted to have him start on an anticoagulant medication first). It ended up being a longer and slightly more complicated procedure than they had predicted, but Kendall got through it. His cancer team said that he will probably have several more in the next few weeks and months.

The leukemia specialist heading Kendall’s team will be consulting with a board of experts tomorrow before they decide on what course of action to take with Kendall’s main chemo and radiation. One of the big debates is between an especially aggressive form of chemo (but that also seems to have a better prognosis) that is only approved for people up through age 40. Kendall turned 41 exactly two weeks ago. There is some debate of if his heart would be able to tolerate the rigor of the chemo, but it sounds like they might be leaning toward this option. Hopefully we’ll know more tomorrow!

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