A Slow Day

Sorry to fake you out with that picture there. No, that was not taken today. It was nice to remind myself that this is where Kendall was just a few days ago, and where I believe he can get to again.

It was certainly a less eventful day today. Kendall has not woken up all day, and was unresponsive to any talking or hand squeezing, etc. While the medical team had hoped he would be more alert, it is not completely surprising that he may be having trouble clearing the sedation from yesterday since he does not have a functioning liver or kidneys.

All external bleeding seemed to be stopped today. They took him off the defibrotide (the medicine for his VOD that also makes him a bigger bleeding risk), but will probably resume that tomorrow. Kendall still needs a lot of support from the ventilator, and his blood pressures have been all over the place, even on vasopressers meant to help raise his blood pressure. Results from his CT scan did not show anything alarming, other than the large amount of different fluids he is retaining. Kendall is still off of dialysis, but should resume that tomorrow. Whether they will try the intermittent dialysis (preferred) or have to go back on continuous dialysis will depend on how stable his blood pressures are in the next 12-24 hours.

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