Absentiversary #2

Yep, tomorrow is my (21st) wedding anniversary. It won’t really resemble 2021’s anniversary, though. Like last year I did clear my schedule. Or at least tried to. I did move all of my clients from that day to later this week. Except early Wednesday morning I will need to take my son to his middle school orientation/pay class fees/get his schedule/take school pictures event, and then immediately leave (it’ll be tight) to be with my daughter at the hospital all day. Not exactly the “me time” I would have chosen. But obviously being a mom trumps any wallowing or reminiscing I may prefer doing that day. It’s hard to predict where my emotional barometer will be at, though, especially being in a hospital. So many associations now with hospitals. The last time I was in a hospital was visiting my mom last month. No matter how tomorrow will actually play out, I can already feel some things building, emotions just under the surface.

Don’t worry, I do have some friends who will be coming to whisk me away that evening. Not sure what we’ll end up doing, but we’re prepared for all (?) contingencies. I want quiet time not around a lot of people? They’ve got me covered! I want fine dining or to try something new? They’re up for it! Hard to say where I’ll be at. And then on Thursday it will be back to a full schedule of work, running up to the high school with my two oldest for their orientation/school pictures/school fees everything during my lunch break (again, it’ll be tight), then right after work I will be at a back to school night for my youngest, after which I will rush over to a handbell rehearsal where I will be running a sectional. Phew!

On a completely unrelated note, I did change the link for my Young Women’s presentation so that people no longer need permission to view it. Just the link will now work.


I think that’s it. Wish me luck for tomorrow!

P.S. Crazy to realize that I am almost at 200 (!!!) Meal Train posts. And in less than two years! (My first post was on September 6, 2020.) Wow.

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