Carrying On

This door is in my master bedroom, and every time I walk in or when I wake up in the morning, I immediately see it covered with the many cards I’ve received in just over three months. (Has it really only been a bit over three months?!?! And if you don’t see yours there, Kendall has many of the ones he has received, and I have a separate place where I keep letters.) I can’t help but smile to see this physical reminder of how very loved my family and I are. There are times when I need a boost and so will stand there and reread through some of the messages. Yep, very loved.

Last week was *mostly* quiet. Kendall I did end up needing to be gone nine hours at the hospital last Tuesday for labs, a PICC line dressing change, a lumbar puncture and spinal infusion, and three hour veinous chemo infusion. Otherwise he has been able to do all of his labs and therapy appointments at home through home health. One of his chemo drugs from Tuesday tends to have delayed side effects, so we were thankful that his nausea didn’t really kick in until Friday. That meant he was able to somewhat enjoy dinner on Thanksgiving.

We learned today that Kendall’s next hospital admittance will probably be this Thursday (so we’re hoping he’ll be able to be home for Christmas). We’re more than a little nervous about this time, as the doctors have told us that the effects of each course of chemotherapy would be cumulative and Kendall had such a rough time with his last course. This course will include some chemo drugs he has not yet had, so we’re looking at a new list of potential and serious side effects. Kendall is also still very weak (today’s discovery – too weak to push down nail clippers to cut his nails), so we’re not sure how this time will go. But still, taking things one day at a time. And we are so incredibly grateful to finally be able to have Kendall’s mom here with us now that her quarantine is over. It has made a world of difference.

And nope, still no word on if any of Kendall’s siblings are matches to be a donor for his transplant.

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