Casket Graffiti

(I did just go back and watch the talks from the funeral, and gak! How did I manage to say “mission farewell” TWICE?!?! Meant mission HOMECOMING both times. Yeesh.)

I wanted to share another thing from last Tuesday that made the day memorable for us. After the dedicatory prayer at the graveside service, I popped up (sorry, bishop, for not giving you a heads up about that) and announced that this was not your 95-year-old grandmother’s funeral, I had a bag of metallic sharpies, and we were going to “graffiti the heck out of that casket.” Made what could have been a very sober and difficult moment one of just pure FUN. So many inside jokes, funny quips, cartoons, heartfelt and sweet messages were all over Kendall’s casket. It was great. Seriously recommend this be standard practice for all funerals from now on.

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