Home At Last

After what felt like a series of miracles, Kendall was able to come home Saturday evening. It has been so so good to finally have him home. He’s already eating better, and so far has kept everything down despite continuing nausea.

I’ve been working on outfitting the house with various adaptive devices Kendall needs to help him navigate our spaces safely (and reinforcing that while I have many talents, assembling things or doing anything mechanical is not among them). Home health will be coming to our home this week to further assess our space and make suggestions, as well as to draw Kendall’s labs and do physical therapy and occupational therapy sessions here at home. That’s been one positive consequence of our current record-high COVID cases – the doctors are concerned about possible exposure with constant back and forth trips to the hospital and so have made arrangements to have things done in our home. If Kendall’s numbers stay good this week and he doesn’t need any transfusions or other procedures, we may be able to go the whole week without having to go up to Salt Lake. We haven’t had a week like that (or even many consecutive days) since this all started. We’re hoping that by Thursday food will taste good to him and the nausea won’t be so bad.

What we expected to be a five day hospital stay stretched into an exhausting and frightening several weeks, and it’s taken a physical and emotional toll on the entire family. We’re so grateful to hopefully have a bit of a respite before the next hospital stay, and we’re also looking forward to getting to finally see Kendall’s mom in person when her two week quarantine ends this week.

We have a lot to be thankful for, and President Nelson’s message last week about gratitude felt especially timely. If you are reading this, know that you are one of the things we are immensely grateful for. Words simply cannot express how much the many prayers, words of encouragement, and other service that has been offered to our family has meant and how you have helped carry us through this. The world is full of so many wonderful and kind-hearted people, and we are blessed to know some of the very best.

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