It’s the Little Things

Who wouldn’t be cheered by finding these in their bathroom? (No, nothing creepy or unsavory going on with someone putting them there for me to discover.) On Saturday I ran into someone from our old ward whom I hadn’t seen in a while. She knew the rudimentary details about what has been going on for our family, and she wanted to know if she could help in any way. Typically I would give a pat answer like,” Thank you! I’ll let you know if I think of anything.” I started to deflect the question and then stopped. There WAS something that I knew would make a big difference for me. And despite it feeling embarrassing to do so, I decided to just tell her. I needed help getting my two main bathrooms cleaned.

They were GROSS, guys. Other than occasionally my toilet, they hadn’t been cleaned since before summer. That shower….*shudder.* I’ve been feeling stressed and weighed down by it, wondering how I would possibly muster the energy to get them clean. We’re extra paranoid about germs and such with my daughter now that she has the feeding tube and her overall health is not great.

So that sweet friend and her college-aged daughter came over on Monday, and while I was seeing clients downstairs they CLEANED those two bathrooms. I mean, seriously cleaned. I also had someone who offered to do a load of laundry for me on Monday. Heavenly! (Told you I have those moments of asking myself, “Is this really my life?” People are SO good to me.) No matter that other areas in my life are still chaotic, walking in to a sparkling clean bathroom each day has been such a huge mood booster. Probably gives me a clue that I should get on top of other parts of my house, but baby steps here. We’ll get there. (And the main living areas of my house really aren’t too bad. It’s behind the closed doors, those hidden closets, stacks of papers and other “piles” so many places, etc. that can seem so out of control…)

For now, though, I will enjoy the clean space and how wonderful those roses smell. And woot, woot! I have now officially written 200 posts!!!!! Not sure why that feels like such a big accomplishment, but I’m all about celebrating the wins in my life!

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