Latest Update

Sorry, I’ve meant to post updates on here more regularly.

Today Kendall had a lumbar spinal tap scheduled, which will look at if the cancer has spread to his spinal fluid and into his Central Nervous System. As a precaution, they are injecting chemo directly into his spinal fluid. We were told that type of chemo shouldn’t have really bad side effects like nausea, etc.

We’re still waiting on the “real” chemo to start. Apparently Kendall’s type of cancer and how it is presenting is incredibly rare, so there is some debate over the best way to treat it. The head of his team will be consulting this week with some experts from around the country (or maybe world? I was unsure on this) and coming to a consensus soon. This is an aggressive, fast-moving cancer so they want to aggressively treat it as soon as possible.

This morning we were told there was a possibility they would let Kendall come home for a few days while they decided about his treatment plan, but we just learned that that won’t happen. That’s made it a rougher day emotionally. We even asked about the possibility of being allowed to see him through a lobby door or maybe brought out in a wheelchair for us to see (masked and socially distanced, of course) for a few minutes. His nurse advocated hard for that but our request was denied.

So please don’t hesitate to reach out to him and let him know you’re thinking of him. This separation and isolation has made this experience especially difficult. Here at home we have been overwhelmed (in a good way) with all the love and support that has poured in. We are feeling all of those prayers!

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