
Well that didn’t take long! Here is the link to Mom’s funeral recording. For those who may have watched virtually on Saturday, this is a different (much better) recording. You can actually see the grandchildren singing, rather than only the speaker at the pulpit.

I also have the link now to the slideshow of pictures and music that was playing during the viewings. (Great job with that, Christine.) My mom led a pretty remarkable life.

Lastly, this is a picture of just a portion of the display from the viewing. Notice the cute stuffed animals that are across the top! Mom made handmade gifts for each grandchild every year, including those stuffed animals (and library bags, and embroidered towels, and baby quilts, and caddies for their beds to hold water bottles or books, and and and….). She also made each grandchild a “comforter” blanket for their baptism. I learned recently that she had thought ahead and finished the rest of those for the grandchildren who have yet to be baptized. I also don’t even know how many awards she won for her quilts. Didn’t I tell you my mom was amazing?

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