My Temple

This picture was taken nearly 21 years ago, on the day that I was able to go through with Kenny and do my own work in the temple. Temple work is very important within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where we are able to make sacred promises (covenants) with God that make it possible for us to be with our families even after death. The Washington, D.C. temple in particular has long held a special place in my heart, and you will find several renditions of it throughout my home now. It was where I went for youth temple trips when I lived in both New York and Virginia, and was also where Kenny and I were married and sealed for time and all eternity. For the past several years this temple has been under renovation, then for a time after it was completed (but before it has been rededicated as a house of the Lord) it has been open to the public for tours. The kids and I were able to fly out to Virginia to be there for the open house. (You can learn more about it at

We got to do numerous wonderful things during our trip, connect with dear friends, see some amazing sights, eat (so much!) good food, make many memories. But going through the temple was definitely the highlight of the week. Not surprisingly (although why did it seem to take me by surprise at the time? you’d think I would have learned by now…), being there again was a very emotional experience for me. Everything, everywhere, held memories for me. It was certainly a tender experience, but one I am so grateful to have had.

Just being in Virginia was full of bittersweet memories and feelings, this first trip back without Kenny, staying in his family’s home, visiting the places we once did together, interacting with people who also knew and loved him. And Virginia itself…in some ways Virginia will probably always feel more like “home” than Utah ever has or will for me. Oh, I have put down roots here and love living near family and the remarkable friends and support network I have built over 20+ years. But I tell you, being surrounded by so much green really does feed my soul in a really fundamental way. I can’t get enough of it, and there is a sort of ache and sense of longing I carry around all the time living in a desert. Even the air looks different there, and I find it a lot easier to breathe (didn’t need my inhaler a single time during our trip – amazing).

I’ll confess, the thought of moving did cross my mind more than once. I wouldn’t actually do it, wouldn’t choose to uproot my children right now or leave behind the people here in Utah who mean so much to me. But there have been MANY times during the past year that I have wished I could move to a new home, one not so full of ghosts and memories at every turn, be able to get a fresh start. (And hopefully one with significantly less flooding? Haha…?) I won’t really, at least I have no real intention to while I still have children living here at home. And for now my business is here. But who knows what the future will hold for me?

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