No, I’m Not Really Surprised

I mean, really the surprising thing was that I managed to go more than two years without catching COVID, even when it was in my home. And let’s not forget the fact that I work in peoples’ mouths! But yes, I did indeed test positive for COVID this morning.

The good news? None of the kids have symptoms and are currently testing negative. Having my own bathroom means I can completely isolate away from them. My fever is definitely lower than it was last night (not gone, but oh so much better!). Kind friends have been willing to pick up and porch drop vitamins and medicine for me. I have great kids who are taking care of things “out there” and delivering food to my door at periodic intervals. Was able to locate our oximeter and confirm that my oxygen has so far stayed above 90, even if sometimes just above (watching that carefully with the whole asthma thing). And I can still smell!

The bad news? Well duh, COVID. Also puts a definite kink in working. Or make that complete halt. It’s also a bit boring being stuck in here on my own. But hey, having some forced rest isn’t the WORST thing that could possibly have happened!

So people may want to avoid our house like the literal plague for the next bit. I’ll hopefully reemerge from my cave here within a week!

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