Oh Yeah, and the Actual Cancer Update

Can you tell I was excited about that visit today? Seriously, it was amazing. I should probably do an update on the whole cancer thing too, though.

Kendall hasn’t had any negative side effects yet from the chemo he had on Friday. We were misinformed about how often he would be receiving which drugs, but after our treatment planning meeting we now have a much better idea of time frames, potential side effects, precautions, etc. The chemo drug the doctors are really worried about will be administered tomorrow, and contingent on his reaction to that we have a tentative plan for the intense chemo over the next month. There is a chance that they may let him do part of that regimen outpatient, but he would be doing several trips to Salt Lake each week for chemo, transfusions, PET scans, etc. Really the next three months or so will be fairly intense, and after that he should be able to switch to a chemo pill that he’ll take for the next two years. We’ve got a long road ahead of us.

My sister and her family dropped off a “sword to fight cancer” at the hospital today. Pardon the cheesiness, but the battle has definitely officially begun now. A lot hinges on how tomorrow goes. The plan for right now is to hold off on radiation and see how effective the chemotherapy is. Keep those prayers coming!

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