Probably Time for a Doorbell Camera

Probably Time for a Doorbell Camera

I do realize that everyone has stuff always going on in their lives. Inconvenient or challenging things regularly come up and then need to be dealt with, that’s certainly not unique to the Sawyers. But tell me it’s not all in my mind that we seem to have had a higher than average number of strange or altogether big things happening in our lives recently? Recently meaning the past several years, not merely a few weeks or months. I’m wondering if my book really should be some sort of ridiculous, true to life comedy? Honestly.

I turn my ringer off when I am doing therapy, and will only answer calls that come from my children (who know to only call me then if it is urgent, otherwise they will text). After a morning of back to back sessions at one of my private schools today I checked my phone and saw that I had fourteen messages from missed calls. ???? I was about to start listening to them when I got a call from A (which of course I picked up immediately), who informed me that there was a police officer at our house who needed to speak with me. ????

I won’t go into details of the police report, other than to say it involved some very suspicious behavior at my home with some unknown individuals, and I needed to leave work immediately to handle things, confirm the whereabouts and safety of each of my children, and make sure everything was OK. Not exactly the unsettling experience we needed this week especially, when people have already been more emotional or triggered by things. I do appreciate having neighbors who look out for us, however.

When the kids were little both A and D had quite a few medical conditions and issues that involved us needing to see many different specialists (I could give you a laundry list – it was a lot). Kenny and I used to joke that at least we had never needed to be treated by an oncologist or cardiologist (used to also say neurologist, but D did need to see one at Primary Children’s when he was four). Can’t say that anymore, and after Kenny I can add quite a few more -ologists to that list that I didn’t even used to know existed. I don’t want to be superstitious, but while I know there are many trials and awful things we haven’t encountered, and likely (hopefully) never will, at this point I’m afraid to even say out loud anything like, “Well, at least we haven’t had ______________ happen for our family.” I’m not tempting fate!

Regardless, it looks like it’s time to finally get on the bandwagon and invest in a doorbell camera. Is it worth the higher cost to get a Nest vs. a Ring? Any and all recommendations are welcome!

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  1. Becky Bundy

    We have a ring doorbell and hadn’t paid the 3 dollars until our Brad/ dog was attacked by pit bulls. Now we pay. To be honest I love that I can see comings and goings while I’m not gone. And talk to people at the door with my phone. Plus when I’m gone on trips, see weather and whatever else is going on.

  2. Annemarie Garrett

    Oh my goodness. No, it’s not all in your mind! Here’s hoping that this is at least a one-time thing. Hugs!

  3. Sarah D

    Wow, this does seem like an unusually amount of things for any family to experience. So sorry about this. Thinking of you all esspecially today.

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