Rinse and Repeat

Rinse and Repeat

I have got to get some new material here! Really, Suzanne, the whole “Here we are in the ER again” bit is getting more than old. You must be starting to think that we do this for fun! (“Things are feeling kinda dull today, and we’ve gone whole weeks now without seeing our friends in the ER. Maybe we should pop down and say hi!”) Or maybe we’re just starved for attention? (“We don’t have enough drama in our life so I guess we need to invent some. Pay attention to us!”) Sheesh.

That’s right, once again sitting here in an ER room with A. More issues with the GJ tube, but looking like we’re going to avoid surgery this time. (Hooray!) And I am very grateful that we didn’t have any medical mishaps or emergencies when we were on vacation earlier this week. (Hooray!)

Not exactly my favorite way to get one-on-one Mommy-child time, but hey, we’ll take what we can get!
There is so much waiting in hospitals. We never know how long we’ll be here, so we now come prepared every time with bags, chargers, water, snacks, and things to read.

It’s our spring break this week, the last one we will have all together as a family before A starts college and then is off to who knows what adventures. We were somewhat limited by needing to stay close enough to have easy access to her doctors and our hospital, though, so we decided to explore the exotic city of Layton, Utah. And we had a great time doing it! Just getting away for a few nights, staying in a hotel with a pool (three of my kids’ dream vacation right there), and having mini adventures together. That was the biggest thing, the getting to spend so much concentrated time together.

The only one who forgot to pack something was me, who somehow left her swimming suit at home. Meant I was relegated to staying poolside and just putting my legs in the hot tub, although I took full advantage of the great bathtub in our hotel room. It was also a bit surreal going swimming when we were “surrounded” by snow. Utah springs are crazy!
Mountain of couch cushions.

We visited Hill Aerospace Museum and happened to arrive right when they were doing a fun Easter egg hunt. We also made a point to find the plane that Grandpa General (Kendall’s father, who was a 2-star general in the Air Force) flew.

There were 20 eggs hidden throughout the two hangars of the museum. Thankfully we didn’t have to find any outside, as it was buried in snow.
Grandpa General flew the A-10. We had to hunt for it, as it was the very last plane in the very farthest corner, of the farthest back hangar. But find it we did!
The obligatory goofy Sawyer photo.
What is it about these wishing wells that are so fascinating to watch, even for adults?
Convenient that D was able to use this trip for credit in his Utah Studies class.

We went out to eat, even managing to find gluten free friendly places that appealed to everyone. Had a Harry Potter movie marathon in the hotel room. Played games (I was undefeated in Quirkle, although C and D both gave me a run for my money). Explored the far reaches of our hotel and lived it up while we were there.

I’m a big fan of no cooking. A vacation indeed!

One highlight was visiting Seaquest, which we had never done before. To be honest, we’d never even heard of it, and stumbled across it when we had Googled “family friendly things to do in Layton, UT.” What a great find! That was what the kids were the most excited about from our trip, actually. Getting to see, pet, and feed so many animals was right up my kids’ alley.

They were a big fan of feeding the parakeets. There were over 100 in that room!
Those were some funky looking chickens.
Stingrays feel so strange when you touch them.
We are all in this picture – can you find A hiding in the corner?
The Garra rufa fish really tickled when they “kissed” our hands, a.k.a. ate off the dead skin.
Cyclone tunnel, with winds great than 75 mph.
‘Fraid Mom was not willing to shell out the $80 a person to have an up close encounter with the baby sloth. He was sure cute, though!
Gift shop buddy.

Then we fit in a trip to visit my grandparents in Ogden, see cousins, more eating out, and a fun trip to the Ogden Dinosaur Park.

Some of the great grands. I love that my kids have been able to really know their great-grandparents.
Love these people so much.
It’s a tradition to all go to Dylan’s when we’re up in Ogden.
Ogden Dinosaur Park. A loves this place.
Feeding the fish and ducks at the dinosaur park is always a highlight. We were grateful that it had warmed up quite a bit by then, wasn’t the frigid snowy conditions from earlier in the week.
A has always wanted to be able to dig for gems. She got her wish this time, and within her time limit was able to find enough precious stones for all of the cousins. Well done!

We’ve also been able to fit in an escape room (we solved it with exactly one minute to spare!), and if this ER trip doesn’t derail our plans will be going ice skating later today with the younger three kids. Then we’ve got Easter plans, of course. All in all, not a bad spring break. We’ve made some great memories for sure.

Proved our innocence that we were not affiliated with the gang of cattle rustlers that had been terrorizing the town, and were able to break out of jail just in time. Phew!

I’m still sitting here in the ER, about three hours in. Currently waiting for A to return from yet more imaging, but I think I’m about done with this post so will need to find something else to occupy my time. Care to place bets as to how long we will be here this time?

EDIT: It was an under four hours trip! As ER visits go, that really isn’t too bad. Plus all of her GJ tube issues are now resolved. Hooray!

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  1. Gaye Marrott

    What a fun mini trip for your family. Love to see those smiles.

  2. Danielle M.

    What a fun indoor trip for our winter wonderland Spring break! Now I know why you didn’t answer the door when I was in down 😀

  3. Annette Ashton

    Looks wonderful (with the exception of the ER).

  4. Sarah D

    I am glad you were able to make great memories and find such fun places to go. What a fun full weekend. Sorry about the ER I’m guessing 5 hours? Truly magical week I love how happy the family looks.

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