Sickness, Schmickness

Sorry to have left things on a bit of a downer with that last post. I’ve been sick the past two weeks. No, not COVID. It snuck up on me gradually, starting out as what I thought was an asthma cough, then settling into my chest and deciding to eventually take a turn toward pneumonia (but caught early, thank heavens). Don’t worry, I’m fine, and feeling very grateful for doctors and antibiotics.

There have been several things that have stood out to me during this bout of illness, though. The first was that it didn’t ever seem like a “Really? THIS thing now too?” moment or trial or crisis. Getting sick felt like something that simply happens to everyone sometimes, not a big deal. Contrast that with the four days I fevered after getting my COVID booster (not fun, but still 100% worth it), and I was absolutely miserable. I kept coming back to the thoughts of how hard it was to be sick without Kendall there and how scary it felt being the only adult (and only driver) in the house when I felt so sick. It was nice to notice that I am in a better headspace in general now than I was even a few weeks ago, despite being in the thick of the holidays.

I was also struck by the realization that other than reactions to the COVID vaccine, I HAVE NOT BEEN SICK for at least the past eighteen months. At all. I don’t know if you can fully appreciate what a remarkable statement that is. I can’t think of a winter that I haven’t had some kind of respiratory infection. I’ve had some really nasty bouts with pneumonia, bronchitis several times, and even pleurisy once. But no, not a cough, not a sniffle, for at least eighteen months. Yes, I think the mask wearing, hand washing, and isolating that we did for part of that time contributed. More than anything, though, I believe it was a blessing from Heavenly Father, allowing me to have the health and strength I have needed during some crucial times. Or how about the fact that no one else in our family caught COVID when my son had it? Or that his symptoms were so mild? Or that no one else has gotten sick at all while I have recently been sick? No question, definite blessings.

It hasn’t just been things like colds and other viruses either. Once I started to think about it, I realized that I haven’t been having migraines, or at least very few. I used to get them with a debilitating regularity, particularly when I wasn’t getting enough sleep or was stressed. And folks, I am absolutely exhausted, and run ragged, and have had my fair share of stress during those eighteen months, but I can count on one hand the number of migraines I have had since Kendall’s passing. That’s incredible.

Besides, I’m glad I was home in the middle of the day to receive this very large package. That came from Marvel Studios. And included as gifts to our family Marvel toys for the kids and a beautiful, personally signed painting of WandaVision. Seriously, I live an amazing life.

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