Up to Date Update

There hasn’t been a lot to report the past few days. Kendall got through the chemo on Tuesday really well and didn’t seem to experience a lot of side effects. Things hit him more the next day, but he didn’t have any really severe symptoms. We’ve been told that the effects will be cumulative, so we’ll see how things go.

Kendall is scheduled for more rounds of chemo today, both intravenously and another lumbar spinal tap that will put chemo drugs straight into his spinal fluid. Sounds pleasant, doesn’t it?

His doctors are discussing the possibility of having Kendall come home as soon as this weekend to do treatment outpatient. They would consolidate things so he should only need to go up to Salt Lake on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for labs, imaging, chemo, transfusions, etc. There are a lot of things that could change depending on how effective the chemo is (i.e. still don’t know if he’ll be getting any bone marrow transplants), but the plan they have now created for him includes more intense chemo through January 2021, and then taking chemo pills for the next three years after that. Looks like we’re in this for the long haul.

I don’t have any new pictures of Kendall to include with this post, so here a completely unrelated one of our super cute kids (who are VERY excited about the possibility of their daddy coming home soon.)

(And yes, this is always Suzanne posting these updates, even though Meal Train lists me as Octavia. 🙂

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