Some Hard Days

I've dragged my feet a bit in writing this post. In my last update I mentioned some things that were looking more promising, and it was true. Kendall was able to go off oxygen for a few hours, he got up out of bed a little, and he was more alert for a while. Things since then have been very difficult, though. All of his numbers are…

Some Hopeful Signs

Again, not sure why Meal Train often lists the wrong date. It's only 7:00 p.m. on the 18th, so it's not like they're based on the East idea. Yesterday's update was pretty grim, and led to some difficult conversations with the kids last night. I really didn't know what I would find when I got there this morning. So I was pleasantly surprised to find Kendall…

The Latest

Kendall's liver numbers are much worse today (over 2,000), which means that this is severe VOD. He has also gained 31 pounds in the last few days from fluid retention. He did have a paracentesis today to drain some of the fluid, so hopefully he'll be more comfortable and in less pain. It should also put less pressure on his lungs. Kendall was not moved to the…

Some More Details

I know I was awfully cryptic this morning, so here are a few more details about what is going on with Kendall right now. Kendall still has pneumonia and breathing is more of a struggle for him now. He has a staph infection and the active CMV that the doctors are trying to keep under control and treat. He is still not eating well. But the most…

Quick Update

I just got a call from the hospital saying Kendall took a significant turn for the worse last night. Heading up there now. Would appreciate prayers for him and that I can make there safely after all the snow we got. Will update more later.


Kendall engrafted this morning. Best. Valentine's Day. Gift. EVER. I haven't talked much about what Kendall's odds were that the transplant would be successful, but there weren't very high at all. This really is a miracle, and I credit everyone's prayers and fasting for making this possible. We also learned today that Kendall does NOT have VOD/SOS. Again, there are a lot of things that don't make…

Another Mixed Bag of News

I'm writing this the evening of 2/13/21, Day +16. I wasn't able to go up to the hospital today because I've had a fever (and body aches and fatigue) all day today after my vaccination yesterday. Considering how frantic my past few weeks have been, especially the past few days, having a "forced" day of rest probably wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. Even so,…

Happy Chinese New Year!

I have now received the second vaccine dose! You might think that was simple, since I had already gotten my first dose, but it has proven to be anything but and has actually added a lot to my stress this week. For various reasons the second dose of the Moderna vaccine has been very hard to come by here in Utah County, and the health department is…

Still Not Good

I've debated if I should share a more current picture of Kendall as he is so sick. I'm sure people have noticed that I strategically have NOT included him in most of my recent photos. But this is the reality of how things are right now. Kendall is very very sick, and he looks very sick. I can only begin to guess what Kendall is going through…

Plasma, Anyone?

And now for your viewing pleasure, plasma! I had always assumed plasma would be red like blood, but nope! Looks like a mixture of milk and that orange drink they used to sell at McDonald's when I was a kid. Bleh. Kendall has been getting platelets most days, but his numbers remain low. It's late on Day +12. I got home not too long ago from the…