I’m Moving!

I’m Moving!

Did that catch your attention? No, not moving to another state or city or even out of our house. But I AM in the process of moving these Meal Train posts over to an actual blog site. I know, it's past time. Meal Train was never intended to be a blog platform, only a place for people to post the occasional updates, but obviously it turned in…
We’re Seasoned Pros Now

We’re Seasoned Pros Now

We have got to stop “meeting” this way. I’d really rather this didn’t become a pattern, but I am once again sitting in an ER room writing out a Meal Train post. Needing to abruptly leave church this time was pretty comical, though. Adriana was giving a talk today in sacrament meeting, but right before we left for church she came to me saying that her feeding…
Snapshot of the Moment

Snapshot of the Moment

When I sit down and write a blog post, the things that come out are indicative of what I happen to be feeling in that exact moment. That means, though, that if I am having a hard time right then and I use my writing to process through it, that people sometimes assume I must still be in a slump or struggling, especially when I don't tend…
Ready or Not, Fall is Here

Ready or Not, Fall is Here

"When peace like a river attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say "It is well (it is well) With my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul... "And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight The clouds be rolled back as a scroll The trump shall resound,…


Even if you didn't know me well before reading these Meal Train entries, I'm sure it does not come as a surprise that I have struggled with perfectionism throughout my life. I have always felt driven to be a high achiever, and placed strict standards on myself for what I wanted to accomplish. My sister once joked with me that perhaps the reason I had been given…

This Girl

Many who read this blog don't really know my children. And that's OK, I never meant this to be a window prying in to their private lives. But I want to go on record as saying that I have some really amazing kids. All four of them. This particular picture was taken on July 4th, just two days before Mom slipped into a coma and four days…

The Widow’s Mite

No surprise that I now pay special attention to any stories in the scriptures that involve widows. I imagine myself being in their circumstances and feel that I can better understand and relate to the mental, emotional, and physical anguish they must have experienced. It all seems so personal now. I think about the relationship between Naomi and Ruth, and consider how my own relationship with my…

Where Is My Focus?

Life is always changing. Intellectually I know that that has always been true in my own life, but it has felt like the changes have been greatly accelerated for me these past two years, new things coming at me constantly. So much seems to happen each and every week even. Last week was no different. We had a few setbacks and challenges with my medically fragile child,…

Cause for Celebration

I've been careful to not talk a lot about the details of my daughter's health issues here on Meal Train, and I don't intend to dive into specifics now. (Yes, I have her permission for what I'm sharing.) But guys, it is a HUGE cause for celebration that on Friday we learned she has gained SIX POUNDS!! Huge, amazing, enormous, utterly fabulous, monumental, wow, wow, WOW! Before…

Happy Birthday, Kenny

Seems surreal that this is the second birthday we have marked for Kenny without him here. It was an especially grief-y day for my kids, and complicated by newer grief about Grandma. It's interesting to note what things have been triggers for them, and how differently each of my children express their grief. I do trust that this day will eventually be one of fond memories and…