We Have a Graduate!

We Have a Graduate!

My oldest graduated from high school last Saturday. I imagine that has to be an emotional experience for any parent, watching their child cross through that anticipated rite of passage taking them from childhood toward young adulthood. When I think of how many obstacles this kid has had to overcome to get to that moment, though, I am in awe of her accomplishments and so very very proud of her. A has had to miss a lot of school the past three years with her health issues and everything with her dad, she has been in constant pain and just getting between classes has been a struggle, and there were times we weren’t sure if this achievement would even be possible. To watch her walk across that stage, knowing the pain that merely walking was causing her, but with that head still held up high and a huge grin on her face, yes, there may have been a somewhat teary smile on my own.

Graduating Cousins
I loved this quote
Magna cum laude (quite the accomplishment after all of the setbacks and obstacles she has needed to overcome)
Singing with the choir
Walking in
OK, this did make me tear up a bit
She did it!
Proud mama
The fam

But it wasn’t a later sob in my room because Kenny and my mom couldn’t be there for such a big milestone sort of day, though. I know they are proud of her, and I believe that they’ve been helping her in more ways than I can realize. Perhaps I was a bit more reflective that day than usual, and I later sat and wrote a long letter to Kenny about it, but it has felt like he was a part of everything. Certainly he played a large role in helping our children grow and develop into the amazing people they are.

Kenny fell in love with A from the moment she was born and made him a daddy, and they shared a special bond ever since. Unless she was hungry, Daddy was always the one A wanted, the only one she would fall asleep with, and to whom her first words were spoken. He woke up every night to change every diaper before bringing A to me to be fed, and they had great one-on-one time when I was working part-time. Kendall struggled with debilitating depression, but his face just lit up when he was with that little girl. It’s hard to fully express how much joy and happiness she brought into our home.

Fresh home from the hospital
Sharing memes. Even sick from chemo and radiation, A could make her dad laugh. They shared a similar quirky sense of humor.

I’m equally as proud of A for graduating from seminary. Again, she had to miss a lot of days and needed to make things up remotely, but she did complete all four years. She has had great insights from seminary that she has come home and shared with us during family scripture times. I appreciate the good example she is setting for her younger brother and sisters.

My cute girl.
So grateful to have Grandpa close and able to share in these milestones too.

We’re all proud of this girl. Can’t wait to see what life has in store for her!

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  1. Liz Baker

    She’s amazing!

  2. Sarah

    OK some of these pictures made me cry. Oh, how sweet. So proud of her and her mama who git her there.

  3. Doreen Bench

    She’s so beautiful! Congratulations for pushing through and making it happen!

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